Saturday, January 15, 2011

Changes, Changes...

Talked to my friend who was tired of my blog here is my new "self" - learning all the time, making changes, going with the flow...

I do feel somewhat re-energized - I talked to Peace Corps of the possible changes at NAVCO and then talked to Mr. Lopez about my next ten months there.  With Mr. Lopez leaving NAVCO, my pending projects pertained to working with him and, therefore, all projects must be put aside for now.  Besides the continued training of Jacklin, computer training for Cynthia, the village council secretary from Black Man Eddy, and for Ms. Moody, the new NEMO coordinator whose office is adjacent to our office, the only major project is the redesign of the website.  The next phase of my Peace Corps assignment will include reinforcing the capacity of the six district offices to ensure the secretaries and board members are operational and functioning smoothly.  I'll work two days a week in the office and three days traveling to the six districts.  I'm actually looking forward to the change and the challenge.

Along with establishing the district offices, I'll work with the Peace Corps program manager on a committee to create a village council training manual for future volunteers.  Having a map or strategy to strengthen rural village councils can create a close relationship with the volunteers who will work at the national, district, and village levels.  Finally, the various volunteers will work together cohesively and comprehensively rather than the disorderly, hit or miss goals done individually.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sandy, glad you are well and thriving with the changes in your role. Exciting new possibilities! Keep in touch. Karla
