Saturday, January 29, 2011

On the Downhill Road

Now as I progress on the last half of my stay here, I can look forward to visits from family and friends.  I have four coming in a few weeks - it'll be nice to play tourist and enjoy the country.  Then, Kimberly will come in March with her friend - again, another break to sightsee and relax.  My sister may come in April and then Ryan and family will come in May.  Whew, what a nice way to fly through the Spring! In June, the new PC volunteers will come aboard, and I'll start training the people who will continue rural development of the Village Councils leaders.

The Ministry confirmed Mr. Lopez' s position as the Water Board Coordinator for the entire country - a great new job for him.  He'll start his new job in a couple of weeks.  In the meantime, the board will meet, and it'll be interesting what will happen in the office.  The president has ideas of eliminating Mr. Lopez' position and Jacklin's job and replace them with board members who are volunteers living all over the country.  He thinks that I can take some office duties but, of course, that's not Peace Corps' mission - we don't replace Belizeans, we're here to train, develop local talent, and help sustain and enhance organizations. I am so glad that I plan to direct my efforts to the districts and not stay in the office.

The Belmopan Library will now have a new PC volunteer as a permanent assignment - a recent transition for the volunteer to move from her original site which didn't work well to help the library.  I'm excited that we have two of us helping them - she'll bring energy, new ideas, and can concentrate her time in full.  We already have an idea of using a Peace Corps program that allows volunteers to ask for donations on the web - our friends and family can help the library who desperately need money - as an example, the library has no outside sign, so no one knows that's a library.  The books are so outdated and worn - the kids come to research and read for school assignments and projects.  I helped one student who needed a picture of meridians of the world map - the resource books were torn and dirty and published in the 1950's.  If anyone is interested in helping, please let me know.


  1. Hi Sandy,
    I'm definitely interested in helping with the Library. We have so many books from students in teacher ed. They range from books for teachers and administrators to books for elementary school children. A friend suggested we contact a local Rotary Club to see if they would fund the postage. Let me know how we can get the books to you and we will be happy to send them your way. Only 10 more months...amazing. Take care and have a great time with all of your visitors.

  2. Hi,
    Still so proud you are sticking it out. We can't wait to visit and even more, can't wait until you are home- with family. I love you so much and aspire to be like you. I wish I was so self-less. I have LOTS of books in office and at home that I need to figure out how to send to you. in the meantime, get a list of things you want me to bring. Not to make you homesick- but I had spam musubi and macaroni salad yesterday and for lunch as leftovers... can't wait until we can cook together soon. love you. hang in there with the transition w/ Mr. Lopez and Jacklin. it will all work out. come home soon! see you in a few! :) Kim

  3. I love the library--how cool!! I come from a family of teachers so I know we could find a way to help. What are your ideas for how we could do that? I am just amazed by your contributions, Sandy!! Nice that your family and friends will be visiting too! Take care. Love, Karla
