Saturday, February 12, 2011

Another Adventure in Belize

I came home yesterday from work and found one of the branches from my monster tree on my roof - yep, it tore a two-foot hole and bent my ceiling.  It's rained for days, and at first I thought the collapse was from the water-soaked vegetation, but on closer look at the branch, I found that the insides were hollowed out by termites.  I am so glad that I live in a Peace Corps house!  Anthony came over right away and assessed the damages.  He got the branch/trunk off the roof, hammered in a sheet of zinc to cover the hole, and nailed the ceiling panel back into place.  He was scheduled to return this morning to replace the roof, but it's raining again and he's not able to work on it until Monday.  In the meantime, Peace Corps office just called to tell me that I need to evacuate from my place until they can take down the overhanging branches.  I really don't want to go, but I can see the risk of the branches falling while I'm sleeping.  I have until three to pack up my things and move to a hotel - fortunately, it's not too far from here which will give me access to my place easily. much for a quiet weekend...

1 comment:

  1. Good grief. Do you have to stay at that wierd hotel where we stayed (I can't believe I've forgotten the name of it)? That place is so creepy. I hope you are back in your place soon!! Take care Sandy! Karla :0)
